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Avian Influenza (Subtype H9) Vaccine , Inactivated (Strain SS)
[Drug Name]

Generic name: Avian Influenza (Subtype H9) Vaccine , Inactivated (Strain SS)

Trade name:SCBM-H9

English name: Avian Influenza (Subtype H9) Vaccine , Inactivated (Strain SS)

Chinese pronunciation: Qinliugan Miehuoyimiao (H9 Yaxing, SS Zhu)

[Composition] The product is prepared with imported quality adjuvant and composed of inactivated avian influenza virus (H9 Subtype). Before inactivation the virus concentration is ≥5×107.0EID50/ml.

[Description]  Milky white emulsion

[Function and Application] It is used to prevent avian influenza virus (Subtype H9) infection in chickens, for healthy chickens only. Immunity will generate within 21 days, and immunity period is 6 months.

[ Application  and  Dosage]Subcutaneous back of the neck or imtramuscular injection. 0.25ml/bird for Chickens within 5-15 days; 0.5ml/bird for chickens over 15 days .

[Abnormal reaction] There is no notability abnormal reaction post inoculation. May be some phenomenon of reducing food post inoculation and a slight effect on the laying rate of laying hens, but it will recover within a few days.


(1)The product should not be used, if there is any obvious stratification of water and oil. There would be a small amount of white oil on the surface after the vaccine being unused for a long time, but it doesnt affect the using results when mixing evenly.  

(2)Routine aseptic technique should be conducted during injection.  

(3)When the bottle is opened, the vaccine should be finished in same day.

(4)It is forbidden to use within 28 days before slaughter.

(5)The contaminated items such as bottles, remaining vaccines, utensils should be disposed by innocent treatment.

[Specification] (1)100 ml/bottle   (2)250 ml/bottle  (3)500 ml/bottle

[Package]  40bottles/box

[Storage and Expiration] 2~8, valid for 24 months

[Approval No.]SYSZ(2012) 190912080


Used only under the guidance of veterinarian

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